We believe that God, in Jesus is making all things new.


So, that changes how money is spent, how food is eaten, how kids are treated, how a city is built and how one thinks about their neighbourhood. In short, Christianity is not simply a belief system (though it includes that), it is a whole new way of living.

Consider the following a snapshot of a few of the ways that Resurrection church will seek to embody true Christianity in Ottawa.

1. A community not just for Christians,                                                             but also for those who don't believe in Jesus.


What we mean is that we are serious about helping Christians grow in their faith, but we don't stop there. We want to be a place for people who are curious about the Christian faith. We want to take doubt, questions and difficulties seriously and honestly.

This takes shape in a few ways:

  • we will intentionally work to love our neighbours and befriend the people who live in our neighbourhood
  • we will help our kids understand the gospel
  • we will point to the gospel as the way into and the way forward in the Christian life
  • we will make space in our services, small groups and community life for people who don't believe what we believe
  • we will love people for who they are not for what they believe

2. A community not just for itself, but for Ottawa.

Too often, communities and companies exist only for their shareholders and their own interests. In contrast, we hope to be a community that seeks the good of the city. We want a great church, but we also want a great Ottawa.

This takes shape in a few ways:

  • we will help Christians understand their vocations and become better teachers, lawyers, politicians and bureaucrats to serve the city

  • we will serve people who can't pay us back but need help

  • we will invest time, money and energy into institutions and groups outside of the church

3. A community that is part of a gospel movement.


We are not the last great hope of Ottawa, and we don't plan to be the last church planted in Ottawa. We think for Christians to really serve and love a city, it will take a whole movement of churches and groups working together.

Therefore, we plan to invest our time and money into other churches, other church plants and people who want to see God's kingdom come in Ottawa.