Sunday Service


Where and When

Resurrection Church meets every Sunday morning at 10am at 130 Keyworth Ave at St. George School. You can park in the school parking lot or on any surrounding street. The entrance facing Pontiac ave is the closest to the gym where we meet. The school is wheelchair accessible.

On Sunday Evenings we meet once a month on the last Sunday of each month at St. Stephen’s Presbyterian Church at 579 Parkdale Ave. The next service is on Sunday, January 26 at 5:30pm.


Other Details

What does a usual service look like?

You can download or view a sample bulletin here. But a typical service runs for about 1.25 hours and involves singing, a few Scripture readings, a time of confession and assurance of pardon, a sermon and the Lord’s Supper.

What about my kids?

Resurrection Kids operates during the service for children aged 0-6.

Elementary aged children have a pre-service Sunday School they are welcome to attend from 9:00am-9:45am.

What do you preach about?

We normally preach through books of the Bible (in whole or in part). To see our most recent sermons, please go here.

Can I attend if I am not a Christian or disagree with Resurrection Church?

Yes! We welcome anyone to come and observe our services and participate however they like. We try to make our service understandable and accessible to those unfamiliar with the Christian tradition. The only exception to this is the Lord’s Supper (Communion/Eucharist) which is restricted to those who believe in Jesus Christ and are in good standing with a gospel-centred church.


Other questions? Please email us.